Serving Locally Grown, Extra Fresh, Living Lettuces
In this green age of demanding fresh produce without fear of harmful chemicals and additives, we all are looking for higher quality products. Technology now gives us the ability to farm in different ways. Hydroponic farming does not involve growing in soil, but in thin streams of fresh water. What could be more clean and healthy? We can now control certain environmental factors to produce a cleaner head of lettuce with less disruption to our natural resources.
The TrueFarms family hopes you like what you learn about TrueFarms and are encouraged to ask your local grocers and restaurants to carry our fresh lettuce. Ask specifically for TrueFarms products! Questions and comments are always welcome and will be used to make our products and service the very best.

Our Mission
Simply, we think there is a need for clean, fresh, environmentally friendly, grown year round lettuce in Northern Virginia.

Our crops grow without soil, chemical pesticides or preservatives. Our land has an abundance of pure water coming from its well. It's so clean and balanced we don't have to treat it with any additives or chemicals. We use the water as it comes out of the ground and off of the Bull Run Mountains.
Lettuce grown locally in northern Virginia and delivered in refrigerated trucks to our customers within hours of being harvested.  Our lettuce goes into a refrigerator within 30 minutes of being harvested.  The lined boxes of lettuce go from our cooler to refrigerated trucks for local delivery.  Since we keep the roots attached during harvest, the lettuce is still living as it's delivered to our customers. This alone keeps the lettuce fresher for longer periods of time.

Environmentally Friendly
Our lettuce is grown hydroponically which recycles all the water it uses to feed the plants.  Only evaporation and plant absorption consume water so our crops use 1/20th the water used by a traditional soil farm.  The greenhouse helps with controlling environmental conditions during hot summers and cold winters. The state-of-the-art greenhouse is built with extra insulation and has a poly air pocket covering to keep energy use as low as possible.  Sensors hooked up to a monitoring computer will adjust the various environmental factors for ideal lettuce production.  The greenhouse is a barrier to insects of all kinds.

Grown Year-round
Our clients demand fresh produce all year round.  Technology and greenhouse structure gives us the ability to be a consistent producer of lettuce in the northern Virginia area.  Traditional soil crops are more exposed and cannot bare the elements during cold months.  Virginia's humid nature is an advantage to growing year round in our greenhouse.